Dayak Tours

Survive in Borneo Rain Forest Tour

(Life as Dayak People)

On TourThis tour we created for you under the age of 50 years, as we see in natural conditions are very extreme and it took a good stamina to participate in this tour. Tour is about how the ancient Dayak people survive in the jungle and wildlife you will menikamti inland Kalimantan, from the way we evolved to survive, a hostile nature and wild animals that exist in Kalimantan.If you fancy something esktirm is the place, this tour will end with a custom event Dayak people and the tour will last for 10 days.Tour will be in mualai from the city towards the hamlet Kudangan Pangkalan Bun with the distance using the car for about 6 to 7 hour drive.

You'll break one night in traditional house of Dayak tribes to prepare your trip tomorrow morning, you will begin your journey into the woods and back to the same place on day 7 by using a bamboo raft along the river until you will arrive in the hamlet Kudangan, day 8 ceremonial preparation and a bit of a small party to generate a great party atmosphere at night. Day 9 you will go Bellin Swiss Hotel in the town of Pangkalan Bun, you can pamper your body with the existing facilities at the hotel.Day 10 you will be heading to the airport Alexander the bun base to continue your tour in other areas.

Standard equipment you:In priority water-resistant and not easily broken, raincoats, lighting equipment, security equipment into.Our standard equipment:Komonikasi Radio, GPS, P3K, tents, lighting, cookware, and hammocks.Standard perlengakapan local guides:
P3K, traditional hunting tools, tents, lighting.

Note: If your flight arrives at Pangkalan Bun under 2 pm, we will go directly to Hamlet Kudangan. If the above 2 pm then you will mengiap one night at the hotel and tomorrow morning we will go directly to Hamlet Kudangan and you'll still get 10 days of your trip. If you take Orangutan tour package, your tour will continue after you're done with the Orangutan tour packages.

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